Serving, Learning, and Leading

Fred has extensive experience in the U.S. Army,and after retiring as a Colonel he taught at the Army War College and recently retired. He has a B.S. in Physics, M.S. in Astrophysics from RPI and an M.A. in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College and received many awards and honors including the Army’s Pace Leadership Award by the Secretary of the Army in 2005..
He joined Rotary in September 2012 and is a member of the Carlisle Sunrise club where he served as the membership chair and club president (2018-2019). At the district level, he has served as the Area Membership Chair and later the Assistant Governor for Group A and is the District Governor 2023-2024 for District 7390 (South-Central PA). He is a graduate of the Rotary Leadership Institute (2017) and has attended Rotary Zone and International conventions. He is a member of the Paul Harris Society, the Polio Plus Society, and is a Major Donor.