On March 7, 2024, our guest speaker was District 7390 District Governor Fred Gellert whose topic was Serving, Learning, and Leading in Rotary. His topic covered serving communities locally and globally, the Rotary Learning Program where one has access to over 100 online courses, the areas of Rotary's focus, and examples of projects locally and in other countries. Fred's background includes teaching Army officers courses such as Strategic Leadership at the U. S. Army War College in Carlisle after retiring as a Colonel in the U.S. Army. His teachings were based on his broad military experiences that included being an Army Commander, Chief P7 Police Forces Integration, and US Army Pacific Operations Officer. Fred is a member of the Carlisle Sunrise Rotary club and served his club as president as well as several positions at the District level prior to being elected as District Governor for 2023-2024. He has his Masters’ Degree from RPI in Astrophysics, a Masters’ Degree from Army War College in Strategic Studies, and a Bachelors’ Degree in Physics from Wayne State University